Fewer different fasteners in one product amount to reduced costs. Rationalizing fasteners and streamlining the bill of materials (BOM) therefore results in high cost saving potential.
Only 15% of the total cost of using a fastener originates from the fastener itself. The other 85% comes from procurement, logistics, assembly preparation and other activities. This fact makes the rationalization of c-parts crucial for your product's total cost of ownership.
Bossard Assortment Analysis helps you to streamline your fastener assortment and add clear rules for preferred types of fasteners, materials, recess types, etc. Get more information on the 15/85 rule
With Bossard Expert Assortment Analysis you profit from measurable and manifold benefits:
- Elimination of unnecessary elements: Look for similarities where substitution is possible. Make your production lean.
- Reduction of complexity in purchasing, warehouse and assembly: Define your assortment to pick from.
- Higher Productivity: Using Bossard Expert Assortment Analysis has a significant effect on your overall productivity. Get in touch to find out how.
Expert Assortment Analysis - How does it work?
Expert Assortment Analysis - How does it work?
For an effective optimization Bossard offers different service packages:
Basic: |
- Bill of Materials Analysis
A systematic on-site analysis of the entire production line. Investigating the assembly technology, which includes the fastening elements, the assembly processes and the tooling.
- Value Analysis
Cost saving estimation based on TCO principle
Advanced: Basic services plus |
- Technical Verification
Possible technical improvements will be verified. Development of proposals for new and proven solutions. A detailed technical report shows the observation.
- Presentation of Proposals
Proposal with results is presented in report and presentation. Providing of physical samples.
Superior: Basic and advanced services plus |
- Implementation Plan
Setting up of project team and prioritization
- Lead Implementation
Lead R&D engineering team during implementation phase of proposals
- Implementation Review
Training on- / offsite
Discover other modules that contribute to improving your productivity step by step
Expert Education
Learn about the essentials and secrets of fastenings in our seminars and e-learning courses
Expert Teardown
Identify the best fastening solution and cost saving potential for you
Expert Design
Design your best product with a wide range of technical information and tools

Expert Walk
Study your fasteners and tools in use, we determine how to proceed leaner and smarter
Expert Test Services
Accredited test laboratories guarantee that your manufacturing reliably meets quality requirements